NNT calculator - nntcalc

The nntcalc R-package provides functions to calculate the unadjusted, the adjusted and the marginal Laupacis NNT with the corresponding 95% confidence intervals. Available regression models include ANOVA, regression, and Cox models. In addition, the package provides a function to calculate the Kaplan Meier NNT, and Kraemer & Kupfer's NNT.

NNT calculator - web application

The NNTcalculator is an R shiny application that provides functions to calculate the unadjusted, the adjusted, and the marginal Laupacis NNT with the corresponding 95% confidence intervals. Available regression models include ANOVA, linear and logistic regression, and Cox models. In addition, the package provides a function to calculate the estimators of the Kraemer & Kupfer's NNT.

For further details and source code please visit my GitHub account.